Kiley Opsal


Teen actress Kiley Opsal started her professional acting career in the critically acclaimed BAD BOYS FOR LIFE starring Will Smith and Martin Lawrence. She has since worked in film and television in productions such as the PureFlix series THE END, PULLED FROM DARKNESS and the Vice Squad franchise among others. Opsal has numerous productions on the horizon and is reaching toward the stars as she goes. We had a wonderful time talking with Kiley about balancing her career with her daily life, her acting process and her dream roles.


You first appeared in BAD BOYS FOR LIFE starring Will Smith and Martin Lawrence. How did you get involved with that film and what was your experience like working with such iconic talent?

OPSAL: It actually happened very fast. My agent called me and said stop what you are doing and take a cell phone picture of you and text it to me asap. We were driving, so my mother pulled over and we pulled into a parking lot and literally took several pictures and texted those to my agent’s cell. Then my agent called back and said they liked my look and if I could play basketball then they would like to book me. Three days later I was on set in Miami at a basketball court working with Will Smith and Joe Pantoliano (Captain Howard). My role was not a speaking role but I played Captain Howard’s niece at a basketball game where he came to watch me play. Was awesome to be on set all day with Will Smith. He is so nice and loves eating and handing out lollipops all day!

ILLUMINATE: You star as Gabriella in THE END, a PureFlix series about a young girl left behind after the rapture. What was your process to get into the mindset of someone going through such a scary and confusing event?

OPSAL:  Season one was jammed packed with action scenes. I had to learn how to fight with a female adult and wrestle in the dirt and pull her hair. I was held at gunpoint and kidnapped and almost choked to death. I know it sounds violent but believe it or not, it is a faith based series.  Even the Christians like things to get a little crazy sometimes. We are filming season two March 28th for 10 days in central Florida at a creepy cabin on a big lake. This is where Gabriella, my character, is hiding out from the bad people. There will even be an earthquake. After all it is the Rapture, the End of times. Season two will be exclusively on PureFlix where we have inked a 3 year deal with them, so I am sure there will be a season 3 and 4..

ILLUMINATE: You recently were cast in the leading role of Sage in the upcoming romantic-drama, SURFER GIRL. Can you give us an inside scoop on the film and what drew you to this film? Do you surf?

OPSAL:  This role will be one that I am definitely looking forward to. To audition I had to wear my hair up and speak in English then wear my hair down and speak in an Aussie accent. Since everything was so last minute, I had to lock myself in my room for 2 hours and teach myself how to speak with an Australian accent with the help of YouTube.  No time to find a coach on this one. Thank you YouTube, I got the role. I am a beginner surfer but production is paying for lessons so we are good there. Looking to film this bad boy in the fall, Newport Beach Crystal Cove.

ILLUMINATE: You are playing Detective Wolfe’s daughter, Jade, in the VICE SQUAD franchise. This story is about a vice squad taking down some of the largest international human trafficking rings. Do you think this franchise will help inspire others to make changes in the real world to stop human trafficking?

OPSAL:  Absolutely, I can’t wait to film this series in LA, New Orleans, as well as the Mississippi area. The creator Kevin Cornell Kellum with Ubiquity Entertainment has partnered with Lotus Rising International which is a nonprofit 501(c) 3 organization whose mission is to support rescues for children who are being trafficked, provide recovery programs for survivors, to help them reclaim their lives by empowering them with skills, tools, training and education to live a fulfilling life. I play Jade Wolf, the daughter of the lead Detective, Lincoln Wolf, played by Guy Nardulli from the Bold and Beautiful. This series will have a powerful message and I am in hopes it will bring awareness to human trafficking of children, teens, and adults.

ILLUMINATE: THE SON is an upcoming drama feature film. Tell us about your role in the film and do you prefer working on dramatic or comedic projects? Is one more challenging for you than the other?

OPSAL: The Son is the feature from the concept short The Coin winning several awards in the film circuit at this moment. The Son is about the Prodigal Son who spends his inheritance carelessly and along the way befriends Rebecca Myers, my character, who comes from an abused home. It’s a serious role but has a happy ending and addresses abuse.  

ILLUMINATE: You play the Yaffa, The Bride at Cana in the upcoming biblical series, PAX REGNUM.  Is this series similar to the current series, The Chosen?

OPSAL:  Yes it is a biblical story of Jesus’s life and thereafter but it is much different from the Chosen. The trailer is being made March 14th so I can’t say much but it is an inspirational multi million dollar project. My character Yaffa is the young bride at the wedding at Cana, where Jesus performs his first miracle turning the water into wine. My character goes on to be Mary’s best friend. This series is predicted to go on for at least three years. Really cool thing about this character is they will age me with makeup so my character goes on and stays on the show.  Can’t wait to see what I look like as an older woman. Will be interesting. We will film this summer.

ILLUMINATE: You have quite a few feature films in development and in post-production such as PULLED FROM DARKNESS; AMERICAN PROM; and REVELATION: THE PATH TO THE NEXUS. When you are auditioning for roles such as these films, what do you look for in the characters you play? Is there a character you haven’t tackled yet but would love to?

OPSAL: The Son will be interesting because I love archery and my character Rebecca enters contests in the film. One character I am hoping to land one day is a comedic role because I am actually pretty goofy and funny and I have not had that chance yet. My role Sage will be fun in Surfer Girl because she is kind of cocky, a bit funny in an Aussie way and does not put up with anybody’s crap.

ILLUMINATE: You have a variety of special skills such as singing, dancing, snorkeling, horseback riding, just to name a few. Do you find these skills make you more versatile for the parts you play? Have any of these skills made it into your roles and is there a skill that hasn’t made it onto the big screen that you’d love to have the opportunity to showcase?

OPSAL: I am learning stage combat, tactical firearms and karate for upcoming roles. I think this will be interesting to see these characters come out on the big screen one day. Also can’t wait to see how I am with surfing because that’s at the top of my list.

ILLUMINATE: You directed the award-winning short film THE COIN and are set to produce multiple upcoming films. What has the transition been like working behind the camera after being primarily in front of the camera? Do you plan to direct more in the future?

OPSAL: I absolutely loved working with Director Luke Riether in The Coin. He asked for my input and we changed several scenes according to my suggestions. I really love working with a team that actually will ask you what you think because I do not hesitate to tell them. I love Directing and Producing.  I have learned so much about distribution and having to get an aggregator to get your film on a platform. I think one day I will be able to become a pretty good filmmaker myself.


ILLUMINATE: What is some advice you’d like to share with other up and coming actors?

OPSAL: Never ever give up on your dream. You will experience a ton of jealousy, mostly from other actresses, but my best advice is stay focused and stay away from toxic people. Always bring your award winning attitude and smile. Always be willing to help someone out no matter how busy you may be. Support your family and friends and keep God with you always. 


Website: Kiley Opsal 

Facebook: Kiley Opsal 

IMDb:  Kiley Opsal

Instagram: @kileyopsalofficial 

YouTube: Kiley Opsal



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